Opinions vs facts online is an archives tag for lorenweisman.com as part of an article address the subjective and objective views shared and missed often by those shifting facts from opinions.
Opinions vs facts online.
It can be a very slippery slope when some choose to push out opinions as facts online and only sets up to hurt the professionalism, the authority and the engagement of those that choose to take that route.
It is fine to feel very strong about something, but if it is not an objected, up to dated, vetted and sourced fact that can be backed up and sited in numerous authority type reference places, then it may be best to form it as an opinion.
This does not take away from the authority of the individual. It takes away from the problems tied to terrible communication online and gives you a little more room to share and have doors opened from what you share and how you share it. This also allows for others to feel more engaged over ordered and being told.
Fish Stewarding Group is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. FSG is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG Development and FSG Living are presently developing, designing and creating Living Buildings, Living Homes and Living Villages for the discerning and attention to detail buyer.
The divisions of Fish Stewarding Group include:
FSG Development
FSG Living
FSG Living Buildings
FSG Living Panels
FSG Living Homes
FSG Living Village
FSG Africa
FSG Messaging and Optics
Liberating Water Directive
FSG Realty
FSG Living Roads
FSG Publishing