Copyright Notice for
© 2025 Loren Weisman. All rights reserved.
Copyright Notice for the Loren Weisman / EnzoLor777 Website
All information provided on this site is owned by Loren Weisman and is protected by United States copyright laws. This includes, but is not limited to, photographs, graphics, stories, sound clips, and video files.
The copyright laws prohibit any copying, redistributing, retransmitting, republishing, or repurposing of any copyright-protected material.
You may download information from this site for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you do not copy or redistribute it. For redistribution or republishing of information from this site, written permission must be obtained from Loren Weisman, which reserves the right to withhold permission for any reason.
Permissive Usage of Blogs, Audios, and Videos
Videos, photos, audios, links, and blogs from Loren Weisman may be added to other websites as links or full body content. We request credit to Loren Weisman and a link back to the original posting. While we encourage sharing of posts and videos, please provide appropriate credit.
This permissive usage does not include reprints or use of content directly from Loren Weisman and its related websites and social media pages, including but not limited to Reddit, Google Business, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Additional Usage Requirements
Any content from publications, books, videos, documentaries, or other distributed materials credited to Loren Weisman must be cleared by Loren Weisman prior to reprinting or publishing.
Attribution of Credited Works
All quotes are referenced by their original authors. If you find any contradictions, incorrect quotes, or quotes credited as unknown for which you are aware of the author, please send an email to with the subject: Corrections.
We strive to ensure all quotes or content not created by Loren Weisman is properly and correctly credited. If there is a meme or image that is being used incorrectly, please share the information on the photo, and it will be removed.
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If you believe that any material on this site infringes upon your copyright, please notify us in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Provide the following information to our designated copyright agent:
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A statement of good faith belief that the use is not authorized
A statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner
Contact Information
For copyright inquiries or permissions, please contact:
Loren Weisman
1089 Hovenweep Place, Washington, Utah, 84780
This copyright notice is governed by Utah state law and United States federal law.