Brand Optics Quotes and insights from Loren Weisman
Brand Optics Quotes and insights from Loren Weisman

In humility, subjectivity and in the ability to see a series of elements from a distance; it may help you to focus your messaging in order to create a much stronger of an impact.
Keep an eye out for the healpreneurs that may have healed themselves, but perhaps are not ready, equipped or experienced enough to help others heal; much less charge for it.
Expect more than just the studies have shown marketing claims.
Dig deeper to see if there is any true validity and authority… or if it is just another hype claim.
Sharing the same exact content…
I do not disconnect because I disagree with someone on something, some view or some opinion.
If I disconnect, it is because of how they chose to disagree.
More Messaging and Optics Quotes from Loren Weisman.
Differentiate your opinions from facts. Honor your audience with messaging that clearly defines when you are sharing truth and when you are sharing an opinion.
Watch out for those business coaches that learned a little about something, then in arrogance and pride,
claim to know a lot about everything.
Watch out for the 1x expert. They had 1 successful experience… but now claim to have the expertise, answers and ability to help everyone else become successful. This can be a dangerous path to go down and a dangerous person to work with. While their intentions might be true, their experience and expertise is limited.
Just because you have not been questioned, caught, or fined for it yet, does not mean that what you are doing is acceptable or ethical or legal.
You volume speaks volumes..
Gen U?
Instead of claiming to be the answer, consider stating that you may be an answer.
Is it for a private diary or is it for public distribution?
Take the time and apply your patience, discernment and wisdom before posting anything.
What might seem right in the moment, could end up be very wrong in the long run.
Pause before you post.
Do your morals, honor, and ethics only come across in your words?
Or do they also show up in your works, your actions and your deeds?
Consider choosing the “here is how” over the “I know you can” types.
Consider connecting with those that have the authority and ability to show, educate, and help you create what you want….
Instead of those that only focus on vague directions, hearsay instructions, empty motivation and scripted hype.
Consider being more of a prudent detective when it comes to the statements and content online that is shared with you online.
Give your audience a change to experience the content first before you ask them to like, share and subscribe.

Before you shout from the mountain tops…
What alliance of actions…
Are they only addressing your symptoms or are they working with you to find cure. And, do they have the knowledge and ability to assist you in the healing with a plan for the long run?
I do not believe in my truth and I do not believe your truth. I believe in the truth.