You might not have a book in you and that can be a good thing.
You might not have a book in you and that can be a good thing.
In this digital hype with zero accountability age, many of us are often told we need certain things to establish our authority – a book, a podcast, an online course. But, perhaps pause and reflect on that claim for a moment.
An authenticity question
Consider asking yourself:
Do I genuinely have valuable content for a book?
Is there a podcast topic I’m really passionate about?
Can I authoritatively create a course that truly helps others?
If the answer is no, that’s absolutely okay.
And unfortunately, the answer is no for so many others that choose to go on anyways to create awful hype, substance free content and marketing fodder. Please don’t be one of those types.
Beyond the hype
In many cases, the push to create these materials is more about appearances than substance. I believe we have all seen this all over social media – people trying to look like authorities rather than being authentic, humble and true to form.
Publishing a book does not make you an authority or an expert. Authorship does not equal authority.
The same goes for creating a podcast or even a course.
And while there are many out there that say they can help you do it very quickly and easily… is that really the route you want to go?
And would you admit to the potential customers and buyers how you either published the book or created the course?

Consider being true to yourself and your audience
Instead of forcing yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit or one copying others that have nothing to do with your skills, ability or authority…
focus on what’s genuine:
Your real authentic abilities
Your honest experiences
Your authoritative and proven expertise…
and having the humility to be the real you and not some contrived version to try to appear as more than you actually are.
Fake hype can do more harm than good. I believe It’s better to be your yourself over pretending to be something you’re not. While many do not choose that route, those that do… often times can stand out on a stronger foundation of truth over the seas of liars today.
I think your worth isn’t determined by how many products you create or platforms you’re on or followers, likes and comments. I believe it is about the real value you bring to others, in whatever form that takes. That concept might not resonate for all, but for those that stand in truth, transparency and accountability, why not stand out by standing on solid ground.
And at the same time, I would like to see people move away from the “you’ve got to have this, you’ve got to have that” and move more towards being our authentic selves. That’s where true authority comes from. When the words have meaning and are not just false buzz words.
Consider focusing on creating the content and the products that align and highlight your authority and authenticity, over trying to create content or products in a gaol to make you appear to be more than you are.
Be better than that.
CommSphere: EnzoLor777 Marketing and Messaging Short Video Musings.
You might not have a book in you and that can be a good thing.