Work With Me Page for Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

Work with me, featured image, loren weisman, messaging and optics

Work with me page for Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman. A page with links, information and options for working with me.

work with me Page for

Work with me introduction

Here are some core links that explain me, what I do, who I do it with and how I do it.

About Loren Weisman Page. – A little about me and Intro Page for Loren – A series of links
Defining A messaging and optics strategist Page – How I define what I do and how I do it.
Interview Information Sheet Page – What I commonly comment or provide commentary on.

If you are not creating something in authenticity, authority, love and integrity, I will not move forward with you.
If you expect it all to be done for you, I can not help you.
If you are only  focused on  profit at another’s expense and not building for a greater good, I am not interest

If you are coming from an authentic place, a place of authority and integrity as well as a grounding in humility,

I would love to have a discussion about how we can proceed.

Every project is based and priced according to the individual requirements.
Smaller discovery starting points are preferred for larger projects so we can get a feel of each other.

A few more things to know….
I am here to guide, assist, teach and train…
I do not hold your hand.
You are responsible to execute the work and follow through on it after we are done.
I will provide you with the best intelligence, understanding and process architecture possible, in the end, the next steps and the maintenance is up to you.

Who I Work With

I work with those that are authentic, truthful, transparent, ethical, honest, accountable, humble, respectful and professional.
Those traits make up my ideal client. Anything less is not enough for me.

From a mom and pop operation to a larger scale organization, I need the clients, projects and products I step in to help to be on a sound foundation.
I am not for everyone and if you are only looking for popularity at any cost, I am not available.
I also expect walls to be removed, presuppositions to be left at the door and assumptions checked at the gate.
I work with strong healthy communicators.
Those that ask questions as they have them.

I believe in the concept of Profit at the Expense of No One.
To me, when all transactions honor all sides, then everyone benefits.

My Strategic Approach

Authority – Authenticity – Accountability. 
I hold myself accountable to every client. At the same time, I expect you to be held accountable for what you are supposed to, find out or work on outside of our times together.

Distinguishing Opinions and Facts.
I will always differentiate objective proven facts with substantiated opinions. This to me is a problem with many self professed experts, coaches and consultants that make empty claims with no accountability for what is said.

On my Reputation and Liability views.
Everything I share, say, teach or strategize, I base my reputation on and would say to anyone. I believe strategists, coaches, consultants share too much hype they do not stand behind. I stand by my words, actions and approach as if my reputation depended on it and as if it had to hold up in a court of law.

Not wasting time on motivation or inspiration
That is not what I do and I do not do it. We will spend our time on the statement of work we have created together. I will not redirect or waste time on trying to motivate. I am here to educate, help, train and equip.

Communication is key
I look for those that I can communicate easily with. The best communication allows for the best results.

Coming from Love and Not Fear.
I look for those able to handle critique, criticism and hard objective truths at times. I look for those that can understand that I am here to help resolve, renew, reset, rebuild or create with a client. If you can take down the walls and understand that some of the corrections are coming from a place of love, it will go much better.

Individualized and Personalized Style
I individualize plans with clients. Certain templates may be able to be applied in certain places, but larger scale plans are built for the client and not some overly used, downloaded template. 

Time Frames
Hourly online, phone or in person meetings
(1 to 5 session packages as well)
Weekly online, phone or in person meetings
Blocks of Time
Full Projects
Messaging and Optics speaking events
(Decided with each client individually.

Services Offered
A la Carte Consulting mixing desired client elements.
Laying out what the focus of a client or team wants to go over.
Short term online messaging adjustment sessions for coaches, strategists and consultants
From Scratch Concepts and Blueprints
Exit Strategies
Abbreviated Discovery of an existing project
Abbreviated Discovery for a new project
Full Discovery of an existing project
Full Discovery for a new project
Due Diligence Discoveries
Messaging Plans
Brand Compliance Checks
Messaging audits and revamps
Messaging co-creation
Graphic co-creation

Restoration, Revisit, Reviewing or Resetting
Primary Content
Marketing plans (made before you go to marketing)
Social, marketing or ad reviews/resets (before you hire social media people)

Liability Reviews/Resets
Negative Sweeps, Perception and connotative reviews
Crisis management media planning
Pre-emptive crisis management messaging

Promotional Plans and Strategies
Earned Media Strategies
Social Media Strategies
Influencer Strategies
Print Media Strategies
Placement Strategies
Sponsorship and Endorsement Strategies
Architecture Strategies
Blueprint strategic layouts/ action plans
Author and book plans / budgets
Documentary and film plans / budgets
Artist and Musician plans and budgets
Restaurant or Café initial plans/ budgets
Product Protection/ AI protection
Initial investor/ partnering layouts

What You Can Expect

For Hourly and small packages, I will send an invoice. For larger or extended projects, I will send along some additional documents. they are discussed on this page.
Summarized documentation page 

Here are the examples of the docs



All results are personalized to the exact project or plan. Results are also dependent on the work done by the client and their ability to maintain, sustain and apply the work that was done together.

How It Works and how we get Started

Schedule a call or zoom so we can create a plan and an outline or for a specific number of sessions. Once payment (or first installment) is received, we can begin.

Connect with Me on Socials…

Main Social Media Sites…
Facebook         Twitter        LinkedIn
Instagram       Pinterest   Google Biz     YouTube
Reddit         Imdb       Qwoted Page

A few of My Podcast links
      Spotify     Pandora      iHeartRadio     Amazon Music

Closing Thoughts 

Thank you for reading and considering to work with me. I am happy to answer any question not addressed above or we can begin to go over a plan, price and documentation.

I accept
Most Credit Cards, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo,
World Remit, Domestic and International Wires.

Phone, in Person or Zoom is fine.
My Zoom email is and my Zoom Account is Account No. 3003405613
Coming to work in person, the messaging and optics visiting clients page can help with trip details.
Flying me to you, the messaging and optics strategist travel page can help with those details.

I am presently based in the Washington/St George, Utah area as well as back and forth to the Orlando, Florida area.
Currently flying in and out of St. George or Las Vegas Airports
(if you are having me come to you.)

Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist both independently and for The Fish Stewarding Group (FSG).
Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
FSG Messaging and Optics Division
St. George, Utah
Windermere, Florida
Greenville, South Carolina
LW Website
FSG Website
© 2024 Loren Weisman/Fish Stewarding Group. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
Work with me page for Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.

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  1. Short Course Fast Track Consulting Package w/ Loren Weisman

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