FSG Interview Information Sheet for Loren Weisman

FSG Interview information sheet, loren weisman, messaging and strategist optics

FSG Interview Information Sheet for Loren WeismanFSG Interview Information Sheet loren weisman

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Interview Information Sheet Weisman

FSG Interview Information Sheet for Loren Weisman

For media professionals, public relations, and content creators, producers, journalists, publicists, editors, on air talent, bloggers, reporters, podcasters, influencers, and researchers looking for an individual for an interview, commentary, opinion or differing views.

This includes but is not limited to TV, Radio, Print, Podcasts, Blogs and other earned and no fee media placement opportunities.

This Sheet includes:
Short Bio / Interview Views
Core Links for Loren Weisman
Topics for Interview and Commentary
10 Top Tier Topics
10 Second Tier Topics
10 Tertiary Tier Topics
Technical Interview Information Bullet points
Contacting Loren

Short Bio

Loren Weisman is a Messaging and Optics Strategist for the Fish Stewarding Group (FSG). Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.

Some quotes from Loren Weisman

Loren Weisman‘s speaking and talks focus on authentic and authoritative messaging strategies, marketing perceptions, audience op*cs and humble personalized engagement methods. Weisman is able to help authentically sound people seed their visions in good soil.

More about Loren Weisman

Interview Views

In interviews, Loren shares authentic, humble subjective and insult free viewpoints mixed with his authority and experience, in order to cover an array of topics in an inviting and engaging style that is media friendly.

Loren is happy to comment and discuss other topics as well, but will only accept interviews where he is sure that he can lend authenticity and authority to a conversation. Loren will also happily recommend others that might suit a topic request that he is not completely clear on.

Core Links for Loren Weisman


A few Social Sites:
Amazon Author Page

messaging and optics strategist loren weisman logo
Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman

Topics for Interview and Commentary

Below are the top tier, secondary tier and tertiary tier topics that Loren Weisman engages on with the most strength from substantiated opinions to educating to explaining to commentary.

Overview and Loren’s Beliefs on Messaging and Optics

10 Top Tier Topics: FSG Interview Information Sheet 

True and False Messaging Methods in Arts, Entertainment, books, TV and Media.
Negative, Penalizing and Claim Messaging in Sales.
The New Prompting Culture and the Al/plagiarism problems.
Comparison, Competition, Compliance and Connotations in Messaging.
Narrative, Brand and Storytelling Foundations.
Intention vs Perception in Messaging and Advertising.
Optics and Compliance of Subjective and Objective messaging.
Internet Messaging and differentiating popularity from authority.
The stability, security and oversaturation of words in publicity and promotion.
Pre-packaged, Prompted, Templated and False brands causing problems.

10 Second Tier Topics: FSG Interview Information Sheet

Understanding messaging and how many are missing the mark.
How thinking politically in communication can help your business messaging.
Online compliance, the changes coming our way and what to do now.
Intention vs perception communication with customers and clients.
Humble Opinion vs Forced Claim Communication in your messaging and marketing.
Why it’s more expensive to promote when a brand doesn’t have correct messaging.
How messaging and marketing works for some and does not work for others.
Understanding the oversaturated and under accountable messaging in media today.
The problem with listening to the life coach and motivational types.
Building a transparent authority foundation instead of the expert/guru ego proclamations.

10 Tertiary Tier Topics: FSG Interview Information Sheet

Differentiating steps and actions to separate those with authority from those with none.
How endurance content communication can create authentic engagement.
How do you execute a three-audience concept messaging style.
How the 25% to 75% missing story hype can harm your business.
How humility can beat hype, AI prompts, claims and reach farther today.
Learning to audit, revise and reset your messaging to individually suit you.
Identifying the expired experts, self professed experts and the one-time success coaches.
Basic and foundational formats and formulas of online messaging.
Building a sound and secure foundation for a brand, its story and its authority
Online reputation management and preventative maintenance actions for 2024.

Technical Interview Information Bullet Points

Loren has over 25 years of experience in the media and has an understanding of how interviews work.

Simply put, he knows the cues to stop, understands you do not wear green and knows that the focus is always on the story and the host, not him.

Loren frames all answers with subjectivity, not use any bad language or raise his voice. Loren does not interrupt hosts or other guests.

Loren will clearly differentiate subjective opinions from objective and proven facts.

He is there to help add authority and expertise, and not use an interview for self-promotion.

For video, he is available in full suit and tie, down to relaxed casual.
(Please request the look you are looking for in advance of the interview.)

For home video interviews, Loren has access to a green screen, quiet room and lights.

Loren never self-promotes during interviews and stays on topic and discussion.

Unless asked to share, Loren does not take pictures or film himself being interviewed or exploit and share any interviewing situation in any way, shape or form.

Loren will follow the promotional guidelines or standards requested of an interview and not discuss the interview topic, interviewer or media outlet unless asked to do so.

He has an understanding about holding on to a story and making sure it’s not shared till the chosen news cycle.

For higher echelon and larger interviews and media opportunities, Loren is happy to discuss and agree to exclusivity with a given source as well as a fair wait time to appear or be interviewed by a competitive media group. (These are on a case by case basis.)

Loren retains the right to share or not share interviews after they have aired on his website and social media if he chooses.

Contacting: Loren:     Email: lorenweisman@gmail.com     Phone: 321-217-502


Speaker Overview and Talk Titles
Messaging and Optics Speaker Overview and Talk Titles PDF

Speaking Contract
Loren Weisman Public Speaker Services Contract PDF

Media Interview Sheet
Interview Information Sheet Weisman 2024

Speaker One Sheet
Speaker One Sheet PDF

Promo Photo For Speaker
8×10 Promo Photo PDF

Online Photo Avatar Image
Online/For Web Use Photo of Weisman – Jpeg.webp

Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group (FSG).
Weisman keeps a focus on the communication, connotations, engagement, compliance and stability of each brand, persona or product.
Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development and FSG Living Buildings,
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
FSG Messaging and Optics Division
Washington/ St. George, Utah
Windermere, Florida
Greenville, South Carolina
FSG Phone:
FSG Email:
LW Website
FSG Website
© 2024 Loren Weisman/Fish Stewarding Group. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
FSG Interview Information Sheet for Loren Weisman
About FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 77 Articles
Loren Weisman is a messaging and optics strategist for The Fish Stewarding Group. Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side. Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Messaging and Optics Strategist and my summary of beliefs.
  2. Intro Page and Links for Loren Weisman - Messaging and Optics Strategist
  3. Speaking Contract For Loren Weisman for Public Speaking

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