FSG Development Discovery Questions for a solid foundation. A brief FSG blog regarding a first pass of foundational questions to secure and grow from a solid foundation.
FSG Development Discovery Questions
One of the first steps that Fish Stewarding Group takes is looking closely at what foundation is in place.
The initial questions are personalized and individualized to find the foundation first, then the business or project second.
And the answers and findings do not need to be perfect. They can be flawed, weak and have many pieces scattered or missing. However, if these six areas and the initial questions around…
… are not clear, then it is not a fit for Fish Stewarding Group.
Consider creating your own questions to learn about the people behind the product, service or venture.
Considering looking a little deeper in to the who and how behind the excitement of the what.
Our stand and our view…
Many organizations make the claim they can help anyone and everyone.
We can’t. We won’t and we believe we shouldn’t.
If the foundation of the concept, team, product or service lacks integrity, honesty and authenticity, then we can not support it or work with it.
We build with and from a foundational and honorable base.
Any project that does not include these core elements as we first preview a person, organization or product, we choose to pass on.
We believe how you plant, where you plant and who you plant with are crucial elements to reaping the best fruits and results at harvest for any business.
So in the end for us, if in the initial phase of the FSG development discovery questions, we find these elements missing, we move on.
And in close, consider this thought, if someone or some company claims they can help you create something for you to appear to have any of these elements… does that feel honest?
Take the steps that you can be proud of, share with others and not regret… today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.