Thinking like an investor may help you find money and investors.

A featured graphic with a fence in the background at night with some lights illuminating it as well as a street light in the background with trees. Then, in the middle, a blue rectangle in the center with a white border around it with white text that reads Thinking like an investor may help you find money and investors. Above is the FSG Logo as well as a center text that reads Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman. The blue rectangle is surrounded by a white Fish Stewarding Group logo watermark.

Thinking like an investor may help you find money and investors. FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman Blog for the Fish Stewarding Group.A header graphic with a blue background and a white centered title that reads Thinking like an investor may help you find money and investors. To the left side is an image of Loren Weisman, to the right of the text is the Wait What Really OK Logo as well as the Fish Stewarding Group Logo. On the bottom of the image reads the text "Loren Weisman: A brand messaging strategist with ten social media icons below it.

Thinking like an investor may help

An excellent things to consider for any venture you are a part of or starting that needs money, is to think from the standpoint of the person that might give you money.

This is a key reason in how thinking like an investor may help you find investors, investment, and money.

Now, this is not about the whole shark tank approach. This is not the hype and getting the most cash and smallest percentage and the whole hustler and hype thing.

This is about stepping out of your shoes and looking at what you are creating from the investor standpoint. Not just to get money, but to feel confident in the money you would be investing.

A dark red sunrise background with a brand messaging quote in the middle on a blue circle that reads "Sometimes the messaging and story are right where they need to be, but the issue is in the performance and delivery of that story and that message. The melody, tone, dynamics and tempo can be everything in a delivery."
“Sometimes the messaging and story are right where they need to be, but the issue is in the performance and delivery of that story and that message. The melody, tone, dynamics and tempo can be everything in a delivery.”

Sometimes we are all too close to a given project and we just think to ourselves,

How could it possibly fail?”

And in that limited sighted approach,
many failure elements may present themselves.

The problem with that is from being too close, from not creating a detailed enough business plan and not looking at every expense and every potential revenue, we find our selves giving vague answers to detailed questions and leaving the plan in potential shambles with a lot more risk on the table.

When the brand messaging and the process architecture are not in place, it can create a greater risk for that investor.

When the security and compliant measures are not in place, again, it can make it a riskier investment.

In turn, by preparing the foundation to secure your business,
in the messaging,
the protection
the authenticity
the story
and the humility…

it can create more confidence in investors and turn up the volume on their amplified authentic opinions on what you are doing with a positive tone.

You can also dig deeper into swot analysis tools to improve your business as well through data driven and strategic considerations to help the messaging of what you are creating.

When you run across
the operational touch points,
the strategic touch points,
the core time frames, and
the messaging

It allows for a sound foundation
to be heard above
the unison and harmonies o
f so many others
saying the exact same thing at the same time. 



An image of a water tower with a blue sky and clouds around it, a blue circle with a quote in the middle that reads: No one can create your brand for you. No one can create your story for you. To be authentically created, this has to be with you.
“No one can create your brand for you. No one can create your story for you. To be authentically created, this has to be with you.”

Giving yourself a better chance

Imagine you had the amount of money that you need and someone else wanted it. What would you want to see from them to know you would most likely be able to get that money back and with interest?

This is where how thinking like an investor allows you to attract more investors.

While many think they are ready to jump in and ask for money, when posed with some simple questions for any type of business to invest in, many of these people begin to ask all the questions, they should…

and funny enough,
the same questions they haven’t answered in their plans.

How does thinking like an investor makes you smarter?

By thinking like an investor and someone that is about to invest money, you can see that other side of the coin that much better. It can help you to see where the detail might be lacking and where certain assumptions that are clear to you, may need to be more defined for a potential investor.

The last part of how thinking like an investor can help is based on the return. This comes to the point of seeing if there is enough budgeted for what is needed to promote and market to allow that money to come back.

“Sometimes the messaging and story are right where they need to be, but the issue is in the performance and delivery of that story and that message. The melody, tone, dynamics and tempo can be everything in a delivery.”

Most business plans are incredibly underfunded or are launched too early before all the funding is in place. The bulk and I would comfortable say most… fail because of it.

Again, by looking at what is being spent where, by looking at the justifications and timelines from the standpoint of an investor, and potentially hiring a business consultant to help to review and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything, you will have a plan that is that much more detailed, showing that much less risk and allowing a potential investor to feel that much better about investing in you.

No one can create your brand for you.
No one can create your story for you.
To be authentically created, this has to be with you.

The same comes down to investment. When it works clearly for you, it can be understood by that many others.”

Thinking like an investor…
a great thought process and way to process your thoughts.

Fish Stewarding Group is stewarding strategic solutions by only building authoritative businesses with authentically sound people. The FSG branches include FSG Messaging and Optics, FSG Development, FSG Living Villages, FSG Living Homes, FSG Living Buildings, FSG Living Panels,  FSG Realty, as well as FSG Africa. FSG is bearing the weight of messaging, strategy, finance and development by coming along side.
Weisman is also the host of the FSG messaging and optics podcast; Wait What Really OK.
Fish Stewarding Group
FSG Development
FSG Living
6586 E Interstate 20
Abilene, Texas
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Spotify Page for WWROK
© 2023 Loren Weisman/Fish Stewarding Group. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
Thinking like an investor may help you find money and investors.
About Brand Communications and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman 65 Articles
Loren Weisman is a Brand Communications and Optics Strategist who specializes in illuminating authoritative intelligence and amplifying authentic experts. With a keen eye, ear and nose for detail as well as a passion for transparency, Loren is able to help authentic and authoritative businesses and individuals build robust brand and communication foundations that resonate in truth, tact and trajectory.