Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman on success books. Looking at the issues, the contradictions, the over saturation, the scams and even some of the good that come from this genre that is pumping out new books everyday.
S7.E3.N116 Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman on success books….
take a deep dive in to a world of literature where the quantity outweighs the quality and where even the term author has seen a reduction in authority.
Success is a very personal and at the same time very subjective term. It is also an addictive one. So many have chased the ideas of success through motivation, inspiration and any success story that can allow someone to emulate or copy it for the same result or better.
One of the problems is that every path to success has many different factors and metrics to it. Many also do not fully understand the extent or involvement of others that allowed that success to happen too. Is their message clear and honed in? Is your message clear too?
Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman digs into the books further… inviting people to double check and vet the authors…
And one of the biggest problems is the author of the success book that has had no success whatsoever. They took the business guy courses, the life coaching courses and downloaded a pre written success book, added a few stories and published it as their own.
Look a little closer before buying is the point.
It is the responsibility of the reader or the potential reader to vet the material, the stories, the facts and the validity. Still, so many claims, so many promises, so many saying what others want to hear… the business of writing business success books has become an amazing stream to draw revenue from. But at the same time, it is a dried up well when it comes to the morals, authority and authenticity of what is being shared ethically and professionally.
Season 7. Episode 3. Number 116 of the Wait What Really OK Podcast is called Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman on Success Books.
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Messaging and Optics Podcast Music Credits 1:
Opening Theme Song
“Fully Licensed Wait What Really Ok Theme Song” by RKVC.
Copyright 2016 eMbloh Music (ASCAP)/ Cienzo Music (BMI).
Administered by Ass Backwards Music (ASCAP)/Bass Ackwards Music (BMI)
RKVC Website
Messaging and Optics Podcast Music Credits 2:
Closing Theme Song
“News and Information Podcast Percussion Outro” by Doug Hinrichs.
Copyright 2016 Dig And Be Dug Music (BMI).
Administered by Bass Ackwards Music (BMI).
Doug Hinrichs Website